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Lisa Horowitz

Reiki Master

Consciously and subconsciously humans intuitively
know about miracle energy- most of us call it god, some call it “the universe”, karma or higher power.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
Reiki energy comes from the highest spiritual source and because of this, it will always create the best results for all concerned. It can help us develop latent talents and improve the quality of everything we do.  

At these inner levels of the mind and soul, we all actually use this energy on a daily basis. Intuition, dreams, gut feeling, focused breathing, going for a relaxing walk, overcoming fear we had, self-talk for motivation, praying or crying out to god, and more…
these are all aspects of this energy. 

If you are ill in any way or if you are experiencing any part of your life that is less than what you would like, know that it is possible to change, heal, and create the kind of life you want.

If you want something you don't have, then the most important thing you need to do is take action. 

We each have special talents, qualities, and gems of value that we may not be fully expressing or perhaps not expressing at all. We have real potential power that we simply don’t tap into.

We can easily learn to recognize it and make our lives so much better.

We were born on this planet to fulfill a purpose and that purpose is to discover our truth, who we are, what makes us unique, take possession of this precious part of ourselves, and express it to the world!

​So, if healing and personal development is what you want to accomplish, please join us on the awesome path we design together FOR YOU!


Lisa Horowitz, Reiki Master

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